Fire Detection and Alert System


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Solution Architecture
  3. Links


According to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), there were 1,319,500 fire cases were reported only in USA in 2017. Nearly 40% of them are structure fires. Moreover, following statements are highlights from NFPA report.



Solution Architecture

There are two ways a fire can be happened.

We are going to implement a set of devices with the capability of detecting smoke and CO particles so that, the device will detect both the above mentioned fire types and the users will get warnings only if neccessary through an alarm on the device itself and an alert will be sent to the users of the mobile app and the web application. If the fire is massive or danger enough the intensity of the alarm will get increased and if the option for emergency is enabled, the emergency authorities will get notifications about the fire disaster.

How the device works?