X-tag is a Smart IR shooting sport.In currrent related product are,
- Shoot father up to 100ft
- And make cheaper to produce
- And most importantly we want to make our system smart.
- There are mainly 3 parts in this project .Xtag gun and the headband to shoot and receive IR,Xtag mobile application to
Choose game modes,initialize the game and a firebase server for communicate with in the game .
- Every gun has a cababilty of shooting more than 30m and many features like LCD screen,LED lights,vibration motors.
- The headband is connected to gun with a wired connection and it receive the IR signals shoots by other players.
- Also Headband has 3 LEDs to indiacate the Team colour and Another LED to blink when get shotted.Those IR receivers and LEDs are locate in every
4 sides in the gun.
- Inizialize the gun before the match,selecting the team,battle mode are done with the help of the Xtag mobile application.Gun is connecting to the mobile using Bluetooth.
- Finding the shooter,giving scores,join to a battle are done with the help of the firebase server by connecting to it through the Xtag mobile application.
- Thanks to our system artchtecture this system is updatable(Can be added more modes more option without changing the hardware) and a smart one.

- Every player has a head to reserve IR shots and IR gun to shoot IR.
- when the platyer shoots he shoot with some data.They are,

- Every players gun is connected to the mobile application through blutooth.
- Every phonr is connected to the our server.
- Using mobile application,
- gun is initilized.
- game mode is selected
- Server is used to,
- comunicate with the gamne.
- As a example Find who is the shooter and ,giving scores are done with the help of
the backend.
This is the heart of the this project and it is very challenging when we use IR communication for this kind of
- To shoot further we Planned used high power IR
- IR emitter - TSUS5202
- power= 170mW , 150mA
- Since esp32 cant give 100 mA for the transistor is used
- and a lens is used to focus
- Diameter about - 38mm (1.5″)
IR receiver
* SM0038 - TSOP1738 - 38KHz IR receiver
* This Moduile has built in
* signal amplifier
* 2.5 V to 5.5 V
LCD screen 16x2 with I2C module
* standard HD44780
* 5V
* Buzzer Piezo Bleeper Sounder
* Frequency 4kHz
* power - 10mA
* 10000RPM Metal Brush
* DC 3.7V 5V 135mA-180mA
And also push button and RGB LED are used.

IR lens

IR Receiver
SM0038 - TSOP1738 IR Receiver
- 3 pin
- 38KHz
- -40 to +80C
- 2.5 V to 5.5 V
- binary (data)

- NodeMCU esp32 duel core microtroller
IR Library
* Currently it is NEC IR protocol
* 38 KHz
* 8 bit is used 

Access and authentication
Using Email and a password players can register Xtag
Players have to verify their Email before signed in
More detail will be on testing report
* It is ideal for our Xtag mobile app.
* Cloud deployment -Firestore
* database helps to store real-time and synchronize game data.
* Firebase authentication library is used for authentication
SignIn and SignUp pages
Connect gun and go to battle
Create or join a battle

The demonstration video :
go to video