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Solution for a Problem

We have seen some meeting rooms with working AC machines and projectors unnecessarily without anyone in the room, causing a wastage of current. In some cases, it is quite different that the AC machines are not working even almost all the room is filled. Other than that, presence of a worker to the meeting venue at the time of meeting, is essential to control different devices of AC machines and projectors. This control process is sometimes complex as it has to be used various remote controllers to control different devices. Our solution "SMART MEETING AUTOMATON" resolves almost all the things addressed here.

System Overview

Solution Architecture

Role of Main Control Unit

  • Local server on Raspberry Pi is updated automatically for every 10 minutes according to data on remote AWS server.
  • In case of Wi-Fi is disconnected, the Raspberry Pi storage can manage the operations.
  • Based on direction data of AC machines, projectors, server motors rotates.

Role of Extending Unit (Optional)

  • Receive signals from Main Control Unit as Wi-Fi signals.
  • Give signals to AC machines, projectors as IR signals.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Front-end Software

Design Architecture

Mobile Application

Back-end Software

Software Testing

Summary Report

Area of testing What was tested How was the test done ? Purpose Expected Results Findings
Server Login to the system User needs to give correct username and password Admin and user have separate authorization methods. So some route need to admin login it will check by The API (User or Admin that are logged in)
  • Token is given, if user logged successfully
  • Otherwise, anyone can not access the services of the system
Token is valid for 30 minutes. If a person knows this token within that time, he can access the system. (except for critical operations)
Server Adding user to system and verify
  • User need to register for the system
  • Need freshly logging of admin
  • User needs the verification link that comes to email
  • After successfully adding, user needs to login again
User can be added to the system with an email verifification and only admin can add user
  • On success : When admin adds a user to the system, verification email is sent
  • New user can only login the system via that verification link
  • User is uniquely identified by the email
  • User is validated whether he has provided an correct email
  • Adding room
  • Delete room
  • Delete user
Need admin fresh login (It expires within 5 mins) These operations are allowed only for admin to avoid misbehaviours of the system
  • On success : Status code - 200
  • Failed operations : Status code - 401
Admin should verify his login with his password each time when he does these operations

Unit tests to verify outputs over inputs

Embedded Systems Testing

What to test ? Why is it important ? How will it be tested?
Admin can add a meeting rooms to the system. When a control unit is established, he can add that meeting room to the system with devices giving all configuration data. Checking whether configuration data is properly reached to the database and relevant hardware nodes.
Admin and users can add meeting schedules to the system The devices within a meeting room work according to the given schedules. Checking whether the projectors or ACs working properly according to schedules.
Devices work properly with the configured data given by system admins The devices within a meeting room work according to the given config data. Checking whether the projectors or ACs can work properly.

Hardware Designs

Circuit Designs

Schematic Designs

PCB Designs

Cloud Deployment

Budget Report

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