The user manual of
Smart Shopping Cart

Please read this User Manual carefully before using the smart shopping cart!


  1. Basic Information.......................................................................................................................         2
  2. Notes on Safety.........................................................................................................................         3
  3. Device overview........................................................................................................................         5
  4. Getting started...........................................................................................................................         7
  5. Description of control panel……….........................................................................................         8
  6. Using the smart shopping cart..............................................................................................         9
  7. Understanding the system notations………………................................................................         11
  8. Maintenance and Cleaning....................................................................................................        13
  9. Web application guide………………………………………………………………………………………………        14

Basic Information

The amount of time it requires to receive the bill is the major problem with shopping. By incorporating a smart shopping cart into your supermarket, customers can shop faster and save time without having to wait in line to pay their bills. Let clients enjoy their purchasing experience using the smart shopping cart.

This system consists of:

  1. Cart
  2. Mobile application : Developed for customers
  3. Web application : Developed for supermarket administration

Use !

Notes on safety

Safety measures for Customers:

Safety measures for Shop Owners:

Charging Safety:

Device overview


To make a confirmation about the product adding and removal and you

can give inputs when the system asks you to give any inputs.

LCD Display:

LCD display shows the messages and instructions for users.and gives alerts when any errors occur.

LED lights:

        Yellow: The cart is ready to use and no one is connected to the cart.

Green:  It will  be activated when the user is connected to the cart. Indicates that there is no error on the systems and shopping

        Red:     It will be activated when there is an error on the cart or any shopping method.


It will be activated when there is any unusual activity detected on the cart.

Barcode reader:

Used to scan barcodes in products and staff use when you like to purchase an

 Item or need to remove an item from the cart.


        The camera records the activities in the shopping cart and it will help to check

items placed inside the cart are scanned.

Ultrasonic sensor:

        Smart shopping carts use 2 ultrasonic sensors to detect the objects added and

removed from the cart.

Load cell:

The load cell is used to check the weight of the product which is added to the


Getting Started

Before using a Smart shopping cart:

In the shopping mall:

Description of the control panel


Yellow LED


Green LED




LCD Screen



Using the cart for shopping

Start shopping:

  1. Shopper taps on “Start Shopping!” Button
  2. Shoppers must scan the QR code attached to the cart and then they can start the shopping.

Adding an item to the cart:

  1. Shopper takes any item and scans the barcode printed on it using the barcode scanner attached in the cart.
  2. Then they can put it into the cart. When they added the scanned item it will be added to the virtual shopping cart list in the mobile application, also it will be displayed on LCD screen and green led will light up.
  3. If they want to add more than one same item, then they have to scan all of them.
  4. Shoppers can continue adding items.

Removing an item from the cart:

  1. Shoppers can directly pick an item from the cart.
  2. Cart will use its computer vision and weight logic to confirm removal of the item.
  3. Shoppers will be prompted to scan the barcode.
  4. Items will be automatically removed from the shopping list and displayed in the mobile application and LCD.
  5. Shopper is then directed to remove all items from the cart. When all items are removed, the transaction will end.

Checking Out :

  1. When shopper is done shopping, shopper taps “Checkout”
  2. Shoppers are directed to make their way to the checkout area.
  3. Shopper taps “Pay for Cart”
  4. Shopper confirms prices and taps “Pay Rs __.”

Understanding the system notations

Messages displayed on LCD:

User connected to the cart successfully.

                        Displays the item that the user scanned.

                Customers should scan items they removed from the cart.

                Displays when the user hasn't added a scanned item inside the cart.

Displays when a user puts an item non supermarket items, they must remove it from the cart.

Displays when the system detects that items are added to the cart without scanning.

Led :

Yellow: The cart is ready to use and no one is connected to the cart.

Green:         It will  be activated when the user is connected to the cart. Indicates that there is no error on the systems and shopping

Red:          It will be activated when there is an error on the cart or any shopping method.


It will be activated when there is any unusual activity detected on the cart.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Web Application

A web application is developed for administrators and employees. Using web apps, an administrator can control all items and manage smart shopping carts, and employee information.

When the shop is registered through our web application the admin section is also created. After that staff can create an account for them and the admin must verify that account. A user's roles can be specified by an administrator.

        Welcome interface

In the admin and staff section 

  1. Product section

Item Details section

In the items, details section staff or admin can add, update, and remove the products.

After clicking the add new items button window expand like this

Using the expanded form, admin/staff are able to add new items.

  1. Cart section

Using the cart section the web application admin is able to add, remove, and generate a QR code for the cart and also be able to make a printout of that QR code.

Cart managing section

When the user clicks the add new cart button it expands and show a form for adding the cart name

Using this form, the admin is able to add a new cart to the shop.

When clicking the QR button it will generate the QR code for the specific cart and also be able to print out it.

Sample QR code for a cart

  1. Helping customers

This section is used by staff for helping customers who like to purchase items like sugar. Here staff has to pack the items and enter the product name, price and weight of the product and be able to generate the barcode. After scanning the barcode, the customer can then add the item to their shopping basket.

For generating a barcode for a product you have to click the sell button first. A new form section will then be displayed, as shown below.

Staff members can choose the product using this form. The price section automatically updates from the database when the product is chosen. The quantity of the product must then be mentioned by the employees. Then, by selecting the add option, staff can create barcodes. Now, the display appears as follows.