Novel Compression Methods for Nanopore Raw Signal Data



Table of content

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Related works
  4. Methodology
  5. Results and Analysis
  6. Discussion
  7. Publications
  8. Links


In this research, our aim is to explore various approaches to enhance the compression ratios of raw nanopore data. The majority of extant literature in this domain has primarily focused on lossless compression techniques. However, we posit that this realm has reached a saturation point, and therefore, there exists a greater potential for improvement in the lossy compression domain. Our research is centred on identifying the noise present in the signal and its consequential impact on downstream applications.


DNA sequencing proves to be a formidable instrument in acquiring data concerning the genetic composition of living entities.A Genome encompasses the complete set of requisite data to construct and preserve the living entity, comprising its corporeal attributes, its operational efficiency, and its reproductive mechanisms.

The genome comprises DNA (or RNA in RNA viruses), a lengthy molecule composed of nucleotides. Identifying the sequential arrangement of the four nucleotides, namely ‘adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), and cytosine (C),’ within a DNA molecule is commonly referred to as DNA sequencing. This methodology is employed to observe the genome and the proteins they encode of a given species or specific fragments of DNA, which is advantageous in identifying various genetic variations caused by diseases and potentially creating novel medicines to address them.

Nanopore Sequencing, a third-generation sequencing methodology, involves the recording of the ionic current that occurs as a DNA molecule transits through a nano-scale protein pore, also referred to as a nanopore. The vast quantities of data produced by Nanopore Sequencing necessitate adherence to certain data regulations which mandate that the sequenced data be archived for an extended duration (several years). However, as the rate of Nanopore Sequencing increases, the cost of data storage also rises exponentially. To provide an example, a compressed state-of-the-art dataset for a single human genome generated by Nanopore Sequencing is approximately 1 TB, and retaining this data for numerous years can prove to be excessively expensive. The Garvan Institute of Medical Research generates DNA sequencing data which must be archived for a period of up to a decade, and the annual data volume ranges between 260 and 520 TBs, resulting in a staggering USD 6000 expenditure to preserve the data in Google Cloud Storage.

The procedure of deducing the accurate nucleotides from the unprocessed signal produced by the DNA sequencer is called base-calling. This field is highly dynamic and ever-evolving, with novel techniques being constantly developed to improve the accuracy and efficacy of base-calling. Therefore, it is crucial to retain the raw data in storage rather than archiving the base-called outcomes, since the raw data can prove to be instrumental in base-calling research.

When it comes to the objective of minimizing archiving costs, it is of utmost importance to engage in the compression of nanopore raw signal data. In the context of minimizing archiving costs, it is crucial to engage in the compression of nanopore raw signal data. Therefore, it is necessary to archive the raw data and explore innovative compression methodologies to deliver superior and more cost-effective solutions.

Very few studies focus on the compression of nanopore signal data, even though there are many research studies related to genomic data compression. Gzip is a lossless compression method for compressing different data types, such as text and images. A tool called Picopore \cite{Gigante2017} increases the ONT’s default compression level from 1 to 10. Even though its lossless, deep lossless, and raw methods reduce the storage size by 25\%, 44\%, and 88\%, respectively, it does not attempt any novel methods for compression.

Bzip2, often used for compressing large datasets, achieves better compression than LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, reaching the performance of PPM (prediction by partial matching) family compressors. This library is implemented using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorithm and Huffman coding.

Gzip and Bzip2 utilise the Zlib compression library, which was developed in 1990. It was optimised for scalar, vector, and parallel computing on supercomputers like Cray computers, and the Zlib nerve system, including One-Step Index Pointers, was crucial for optimisation. Overall the Zlib Fortran version consisted of more than 200 dynamically usable subroutines for TPSA (Truncated Power Series Analysis) and Lie algebraic mapping analysis.

Huffman coding is a lossless compression algorithm introduced in 1952 that uses the least amount of symbols needed when coding a message minimising redundancy and reducing the number of digits needed to represent a message.

The run-length encoding system, another lossless compression method introduced for bandwidth or data-rate compression of television signals, has parameters that can be adjusted to find an optimum run-length encoding. The use of buffer stores of modest capacity is indicative of a potential compression strategy. The system is amenable to the depiction of both monochromatic as well as halftone images. The presence of a low-priced receiver in the system implies an economically viable mode of compression.

Arif and Anand are focused on the application of a run-length encoding (RLE) scheme to speech signals in various languages. The speech signals utilized are obtained from the IPA database, with particular emphasis on the German, American-English, and Japanese categories. At the encoder end, the RLE scheme is implemented to compress the speech signals, while at the decoder end, the compressed signal is reconstructed. To assess the efficiency of the RLE encoding algorithmic scheme, a comparison of compression ratios (CRs) is conducted for the three languages.

The current state-of-the-art nanopore signal data compression method is VBZ compression, which uses variable byte integer encoding. VBZ successively applies differential coding, zig-zag encoding StreamVByte, and zstd for lossless compression of nanopore raw signal data. Differential coding replaces the original data by their differences (deltas) between the successive data points. It is beneficial when the deltas are smaller than the actual data or more repetitive. In zig-zag encoding, negative and positive integers are interleaved together such as 0 maps to 0, -1 maps to 1, -2 maps to 2, etc. These encoding methods allow downstream compression methods to ignore the sign bit from the 2’s complement representation of the integers, preserving the same relative magnitudes of the numbers. After obtaining the zig-zag deltas by applying the above encoding methods, the svb (StreamVByte) integer compression technique is applied followed by the zstd algorithm. As the internal implementations of svb and zstd are highly optimized, the VBZ compression is significantly fast both in compression and decompression. It takes at least four runs throughout the dataset to apply the VBZ compression: one for differential coding, one for zig-zag encoding, one for svb, and at least one for zstd. The exact number of runs is needed for decompression as well. This compression method is a generic approach to every dataset. Therefore, analysing the data and exploiting its characteristics might lead to better compression mechanisms.

Dstall-fz combines VBBE21 with dynamic stall encoding and range coding modeled by order-0 order-1 secondary symbol estimation. It achieves a space-saving of 0.666. However, compressions and decompression take around 30.99 and 16.98 hours per TiB, respectively.

Dstall-fz-1500 achieves an almost similar compression ratio in half the time. This strategy approximates the dstall-fz decision boundary and should be faster during compression. Whereas Dstall-fz has to encode a read two times because dstall must compare compressing the stall separately do not, so it must check both ways before proceeding.

There exists an alternative approach that solely encodes the distinctions between a genome sequence and a reference sequence by utilising a variety of entropy coding techniques, resulting in noteworthy compression rates for genomic sequence data. The authors have effectively demonstrated the application of this approach utilising human mitochondrial genome sequences with high variability to serve as a testbed, achieving an impressive 345-fold compression rate with only a partial level of optimisation. However, a limitation of this approach is that the reference genome sequence should always be there to decode the signal.

Among the state-of-the-art algorithms for compressing nanopore sequencing data, dstall-fz has exhibited the highest compression ratio of 2.991729, albeit at the cost of being the slowest in terms of compression and decompression. Conversely, zstd-svb-zd is the fastest state-of-the-art algorithm, boasting a compression ratio of 2.928430 and a compression time of 1.04458386 hours per TiB. It is worth noting, however, that dstall-fz necessitates a compression time of 30.99850195 hours per TiB.

While the preceding section expounds upon the methodology of compressing prior to base-calling, additional areas of interest on compression post-base-calling. Meng et al.Meng have found a compression method for nanopore signals that employs approximate assembly. The authors have utilised MinHash indexing to efficiently index the reads, thereby facilitating the lookup of reads that overlap with any designated sequence. The authors have introduced NanoSpring, which focuses exclusively on the base sequences present in the FASTQ file, utilizing a mere 0.35-0.65 bits per base. This represents a 3-6× reduction compared to general-purpose compressors, such as gzip. Additionally, the speed of NanoSpring is significantly greater than that of the state-of-the-art tool, CoLoRd, especially when multiple threads are employed. They claim that it is four times faster in decompressing when 20 threads are utilized. Additional lossless techniques that are available subsequent to base calling include RENano and Enano.

Both lossless and lossy compression techniques have previously been examined. But the compression ratios of the present state-of-the-art are still not deemed satisfactory, and advancements are highly desirable. In lossy compression, the main focus is to identify and eliminate noise, and while this method has the potential to significantly decrease space requirements, there is a tradeoff in terms of accuracy. The success of this technique is evaluated by identity scores with the reference genome. Our research endeavors to examine a multitude of compression techniques as well as explore combinations of preexisting compression methods in order to achieve optimal compression ratios while ensuring that accuracy is not compromised.


We conduct our experiments in four stages;

(i) apply the selected lossy manipulation method on raw reads in blow5 format (the binary format of slow5, first introduced in the article “Fast nanopore sequencing data analysis with SLOW5” in January 2022 [16].) This is an intermediate stage, the result of which is being used in other stages. (ii) subject the augmented read data to selected lossless compression methods and analyse the compression ratios. For this purpose, we use the nanopress tool by Jenner, S.[15] (iii) base-call the raw reads obtained in stage ‘(i)’ using; a. Guppy data processing toolkit from Oxford Nanopore Technologies b. Dorado open source base-caller for Oxford Nanopore reads, specifically the fork of Dorado by Samarakoon H., that extends its support for blow5.

(iv) methylation calling: Calculate the methylation frequency correlation for each bit manipulation with both Dorado and Guppy with respect to the bisulfite methylation frequency. Methylation calls all-methylated and pcr datasets to find out the confusion matrix


For the experiments, we employed datasets that encompassed various sequencing chemistries, read lengths, and sampling frequencies. As an example, the dataset PGXXXX230339_reads_chr22 was subjected to sequencing with a sampling frequency of 5 kHz, which accommodates the R10.4.1 sequencing chemistry and the na12878_prom_merged_r9.4.1_chr22 dataset supports the R9 sequencing chemistry having been sequenced with a 4 kHz sampling frequency. Table [x] shows the datasets that the experiments were run on.


This section provides an in-depth analysis of the experiments conducted. The experiments were run on a server with 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6342 CPUs(2.80GHz) 48 Cores & 96 Threads, 651GiB RAM, and 4 NVIDIA A16(15GiB) GPUs having Ubuntu 23.04 as the OS. The GitHub repository encompasses all the scripts, programs, and datasets necessary for executing the experiments. The GitHub repository encompasses all the scripts, programs, and datasets necessary for executing the experiments.

Lossy Bit Manipulation

Raw reads contain a series of 16-bit integers that correspond to the ADC values. We augment these values in bit level by applying simple lossy manipulations In this study, we explore 3 different types of such manipulations; (a) Truncating LSBs, reducing the number of bits. (b) Filling LSBs with 1’s, same number of bits (c) Rounding off the bits to the nearest power of 2.

All the manipulations were done using sigtk (

Additional methods were tried, including (i) FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) combined with the removal of selected frequencies, (ii) Application of Daubechies (db4, db6), Symlet (sym4, sym8), Coiflet (coif3, coif5) wavelet families for smoothing showed no interesting insights and therefore were not further investigated.

Lossless Encoding

The augmented data (blow5 format) is compressed with 43 different encoding methods for PGXX22394_reads_chr22 dataset and 45 encoding methods for both PGXXXX230339_reads_chr22 and na12878_prom_merged_r9.4.1_chr22 datasets.

Evaluation Metrics

Basecalling Accuracy

The reads that have undergone base-calling, which entails determining the sequence of nucleobases in DNA strands, must be aligned with a reference genome for subsequent analysis. Certain reads may align with the same position in the reference genome, and these alignments are referred to as “matches.” Conversely, there may be instances where none of the reads aligns with a particular region of the reference genome, and these are termed “gaps.” The metric “identity scores” measures the similarity of basecalled sequences against a reference.

[ \text{idScore} = \frac{\text{matches}}{\text{matches} + \text{mismatches} + \text{gaps}} ]

We use the pipeline presented in figure 2 to evaluate the basecalling accuracy. The basecalled reads were aligned to the reference genome using minimap2 and the basecalled identity scores of the reads were obtained.

Methylation Accuracy

The standard bases in a genome are A (Adenine), T (Thymine), C (Cytosine), and G (Guanine), however, some of the bases could have modifications deviating from the standard bases; these are termed as modified bases. A methylated form of the base Cytosine called 5-methylcytosine (5-mc) has been extensively studied and identified to play a major role in epigenetic control of genome expression. In addition, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC), 5-formylcytosine (5-fC) and 5-carboxylcytosine (5-caC) are also among some of the common forms of modified bases studied. These changes carry vital information and significantly affect gene expression and regulation [29][30]. The preservation of this modified base information is therefore of significant importance.

For this study, methylation correlation was based on the augmented dataset’s ability to correctly recognise 5-mC.

The methylation frequency correlation graph is utilized to assess the level of concordance between two distinct methods of methylation calling. Subsequent to the process of methylation calling, the frequency of methylation for each specific genomic position is obtained. We proceed to determine the number of such positions with designated x and y coordinates that represent the methylation frequencies for the two methods under comparison and subsequently illustrate them in the form of a heat map. The utilization of red or yellow hues signifies a greater abundance of positions with the two methylation frequencies. To have a good correlation between the two methylation calling methods, it is imperative to observe a higher number of positions with identical frequencies for both methods. This is exemplified by the presence of a reddish diagonal line, which indicates the utmost correlation.

Results and Analysis

Using the subsampled dataset, we conducted various manipulations such as rounding off, truncating, filling with ones, and frequency component removal. To compare these simple bit manipulation methods, we utilized the mean identity score error as a measure. Upon analyzing the results, we observed that all three methods exhibited relatively small errors when manipulating up to 3 bits. Among these methods, rounding off demonstrated the highest accuracy. However, starting from the 4th bit and beyond, we noticed a significant increase in the difference in error between the rounded data and the other two methods. This discrepancy can be attributed to the elbow point observed in Figure X.

Another method used for manipulating the data involves the removal of certain frequency components from the signal. Specifically, the higher frequencies are targeted for removal. It was found that even when up to 20% of the top frequencies were removed, the reconstructed signal only experienced a relatively small decrease in accuracy. However, there was virtually no reduction in size when using the zlib svb_zd compression method. Therefore, further investigation into this manipulation technique did not seem justified, as the improvement in compression ratio was not significant enough to outweigh the compromise in accuracy.

Results for rounding off can be observed in terms of both base-calling and methylation-calling accuracies.

A preliminary assessment of the base-calling accuracy can be obtained by examining the density distribution of the identity scores. The alignment of this distribution with the base called reads from the original data is evident up to the 4-bit roundoff, as depicted in Figure x.

Figure Y illustrates the decline in median base-calling accuracy as the number of bits under consideration increases. The accuracy exhibits a sudden decline following the consideration of 4 bits, aligning with the behaviour observed in an elbow plot.

In the comparison of the identity scores between the original dataset and the bit-manipulated dataset, the discrepancies are evaluated on a per-read basis. This analysis allows us to identify not only the errors but also any enhancements achieved through the bit manipulation process, as indicated by the presence of negative error terms.

Readwise read-read identity score is an alternative measure of accuracy for identity scores that bears a significant resemblance to the previous scenario. However, the distinction lies in our utilization of a distinct dataset for identity score calculation, rather than relying on a reference. Consequently, the two sets of reads are aligned, obtaining a collection of identity scores. The error terms exclusively stem from our bit manipulation process, as it entails a comparison between the original data and the bit manipulated data, without the presence of a reference sequence.

For methylation calling accuracy, the initial metric is the correlation frequency matrix. The graph can be interpreted as a diagonal line, either red or yellow in colour, which signifies a strong correlation. In this case, the y-axis represents the calculated methylation frequencies using augmented data from Dorado or Guppy, one at a time. On the other hand, the x-axis represents the bisulfite methylation frequency, a chemical process that is known to provide mostly accurate data.

The Guppy 6.5.7 version with the super accuracy model exhibits the highest correlation in methylation frequency for each bit roundoff. However, in the case of guppy-hac, dorado-sup, and dorado-hac, improvements in methylation frequency correlation are observed for certain bit manipulations when compared to the non-rounded-off scenario.

Another method to assess the accuracies is via the concussion matrix. In the case of the rounded-off data, the F1 score is 0.9670221038, 0.9670028473, and 0.9579350604 for the original, 2-bit round, and 3-bit round datasets, respectively. Upon close examination of the results, there are instances where the rounded datasets exhibit superior false positives and true negatives. For instance, the original datasets yielded approximately 792432 and 91833636, whereas the 3bit rounded-off data set shows 752858 and 92014538 false positives and true negatives, respectively. From these results, the specificity and precision values can be deduced. Both of these values have improved in the rounded 3 datasets when compared to the original. Specifically, the specificity and precision have improved from 0.9914448274 and 0.9932253899 to 0.9918844547 and 0.9934474089, respectively, for the 3-bit dataset in comparison to the original dataset. However, the sensitivity (Recall) has decreased with the rounded-off datasets.

As per stage (ii) of the proposed methodology, we calculate compression ratios of the dataset PGXX22394_reads_chr22 in its original form and rounded off at 1 to 4 bits as described in section 3.2.1 (lossy bit manipulations). We plot the values in the same plot after sorting them in ascending order in terms of the compression ratio of the original dataset.

The current state-of-the-art lossless compression method, VBZ (named as zlib_svb_zd indicating the algorithms combined in the method [15]) gives a ratio of 3.85 for the 4-bit rounded-off dataset while the maximum amount of compression was observed in a method coded zstd_flac_P11 which is a combination of FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), typically used in audio-compression applications and the zstd algorithm. For the 4-bit rounded-off data, the ratio of compression it gave was 4.93.

Unsurprisingly, the compression ratios for the PGXXXX230339_reads_chr22 dataset also gave a similar plot with zstd_flac_p11 being the one with the highest ratio of compression of 5.6076 and the state-of-the-art VBZ showing a compression ratio of only 4.6074 (both for the for 4-bit rounded off dataset).

The compression ratios’ theoretical upper bounds were determined by employing Shannon Entropy[26] at each phase of bit manipulation, allowing for a comparison between the acquired compression ratios and the theoretical bounds. The provided diagram illustrates the theoretical constraints of compression ratios for varied bit lengths of the datasets.

Table [x] displays the compression ratios achieved subsequent to the application of lossless encoding techniques on data subjected to bit manipulation. The table compares the state-of-the-art and the best-performing one for denoised data against the theoretical maximum for PGXXXX230339_reads_chr22 and PGXX22394_reads_chr22 datasets rounded off considering 4 bits. It is evident that the most optimal technique bears a striking resemblance to the theoretical limit.


In this section, we shall delve into the outcomes of the experiments outlined in the aforementioned sections. Upon plotting the histograms of the raw ADC values, we observed that there were sudden increases in the frequency of certain values. This prompted further investigation, which led to the discovery that these spikes occur at specific raw values, particularly when the two least significant bits of the values transition from 10 to 11. It is hypothesized that this phenomenon is a consequence of the introduction of electrical noise by the ADC. We were able to witness a noticeable trend as the utilization of the lossy bit manipulation techniques was implemented, wherein the histograms underwent a process of becoming more refined. The graphical representation, presented in Figure [X], provides a visual depiction of the disappearance of the abrupt peaks in the histograms as the magnitude of bits employed in the rounding-off procedure increases for the read 3ef316dc-1f68-4ead-ae7a-09a94e2a2105 of the PGXXXX230339_reads_chr22 dataset.

It became apparent that the most effective technique for bit manipulation was the rounding off of the least significant bits (LSBs). The accompanying figure illustrates the behavior of the standard error as the number of bits considered increases, across all bit manipulation methods, for the dataset hg2_prom_lsk114_subsubsample. The standard errors exhibit an upward trend after 4 bits, irrespective of the method employed. It is worth noting that rounding off yields the smallest error, thus establishing itself as the optimal approach to lossy bit manipulation.

Interestingly, the lossless-compression method that achieved the highest compression ratio was zstd_flac_P11, rather than the state-of-the-art VBZ as discussed in the results section. Further investigation led us to believe that this improved performance may be attributed to the enhanced clarity of the raw data resulting from the reduction of noise through lossy compression. As FLAC employs a predictive step that utilizes a linear combination of previous samples to forecast the next one, it is plausible that the linear predictor is able to effectively model the signal using less information when compressing a rounded-off dataset compared to the original dataset [31].

Regarding future research, further investigations into the reasons and mechanisms by which the ADCs introduce noise to the raw data of the nanopore will enable the elimination of this noise at its source. When considering the task of signal denoising, one can put more effort into determining the most suitable methods for nanopore data, as the majority of existing denoising techniques are not specifically designed for such data. Conducting experiments on innovative lossless encoding techniques applied to denoised data will result in improved compression, as certain methods demonstrate significantly better performance in the absence of noise. Additionally, it can be investigated how downstream analysis performs on different hardware architectures, GPUs, different versions of software, and operating systems for the same data. This information can be used to establish an acceptable margin of error for lossy compression.


  1. Project Proposal Presentation
  2. Progress Presentation
  3. Final Presentation
  4. Supplementary Material