How the Data flows through the system,
During an accident, details of the accident detection signal, gps location and critical level will be sent to the cloud. Simultaneously a text message will also be sent to the relatives directly from the hardware. The backend code in the cloud deals with the ambulances. It will repeatedly take location of ambulances and in case of an accident, the location of the accident will be sent to the ambulances. This process will ensure that at least one ambulance picks up the potential accident.
The cloud will also show locations of accidents on a map to the police.
There are two main storage points in the system. The hardware and the cloud. The hardware will store the 3 dimensional acceleration values taken every 10 milliseconds. Only two subsequent sets of values are required to measure unusually sudden changes of acceleration thus only two sets will be stored.
The cloud will store values about the main user, in this case the driver and the details of their relatives such as the contact numbers.The cloud will also store information about police station locations and ambulance locations as well.

After assembling the hardware components,the sampling rate is set to 10 mili seconds. So the accelerometer will collect data every 10 milliseconds. The accelerometer will then weigh these sensored values with the calibrated weights. After that the 3 dimensional vector sum of these values is calculated .
If that single value is above a certain threshold, then the system classifies the situation as a crash. This threshold for acceleration is determined through trial and error.