Welcome to EVENTFLOW

Automate Events with our Human-less Attendance System.

Streamline attendance tracking for conferences, workshops, and events. Our user-friendly platform simplifies registration and empowers organizers to efficiently manage and monitor participant engagement

team meeting

Dive Deep into Our System...

Problem Facing

When it Comes to Organizing a event there is no easy way for organizer to analyze, access and improve Events. As for atendee also he has no easy way to get event info and schedule is blocked behind apps

What our System Does

We Provides a Admin very accurate way to track and analyse attendees entering and leaving. Also attendee Can see event information through information hub

Potential Impact

The system's data-driven insights empower organizers to make informed decisions, adapt event strategies, and positively influence brand perception. In essence, our solution transforms event dynamics, enhancing efficiency and overall attendee experience.


"Design with Purpose, Create with Passion."

Designs of our system

  • All
  • Software Wireframes
  • Hardware

User Interfaces

Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3


In our commitment to guarantee the excellence and functionality of our system, we have established a robust testing strategy employing diverse tools. We have used PlatformIO, an open-source ecosystem tailored for IoT development and Jest for unit testing.

  • All
  • Front End
  • Back End
  • Hardware

Test Results

Test Summary of Our System
Test No of Test Cases Technology Used Result
AttendeeCards react component test 2 Jest All the test cases passed
ConferenceRoomCards react component test 3 Jest All the test cases passed
CRoom react component test 7 Jest All the test cases passed
RegAttendeeCards react component test 11 Jest All the test cases passed
SessionCards react component test 14 Jest All the test cases passed
Sidebar react component test 17 Jest All the test cases passed
Footer react component test 9 Jest All the test cases passed


Dr Isuru Nawinne


Dr Asitha Bandaranayake


Mr Ziyan Maraikar


This is the final budget according to market price

Component Unit Price(Rs.) Quantity Price
Raspberry pi 3 model B 21000 1 1500
UHF RFID Reader 53000 1 53000
RC522 RFID module 450 2 900
RFID tags(short range) 200 10 2000
RFID tags(long range) 200 10 2000
NodeMCU ESP32S board 2000 1 2000
Flash memory 1000 1 1000
Li-Po battery 590 1 590
Connection wires 60 15 900
Charging module 300 1 300
Boost power supply 240 2 480
Total 84170


Commericialization Plan

Our strategy for bringing our product to market and achieving commercial success is divided into key criterias.

1. Target Market

Identify the target market. Describe the demographics, psychographics, and behaviors of our ideal customers.

2. Value Proposition

Clearly state the value our product/service provides to customers. Explain why it's unique and how it solves a problem or meets a need.

3. Go-to-Market Strategy

Prepare a plan to distribute and promote our product. Discuss sales channels, marketing tactics, and partnerships.

4. Pricing Strategy

Detail the pricing model by explaining how we determined our pricing strategy and how it aligns with the value we offer.

5. Sales and Distribution Channels

Obtaining channels to sell and distribute our product which include online platforms, retailers, or direct sales.

6. Marketing and Promotion

Discuss marketing and promotional activities. This could include digital marketing, social media, advertising, events, etc.

7. Timeline and Milestones

Provide a timeline for your commercialization efforts. Highlight key milestones and deadlines.

8. Risks and Contingencies

Address potential risks and challenges. Outline contingency plans to mitigate these risks.

9. Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitor and evaluate the success of commercialization efforts by Specifing key performance indicators (KPIs).

Contact Us

Feel free to contact regarding any matter


University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya

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