Software Testing - Beehive API Testing with Jest:

Ensuring the reliability and functionality of the Smart Beehive Monitoring System, our team engaged in rigorous software testing, specifically focusing on the Beehive API. Jest, a powerful JavaScript testing framework, became our tool of choice for this critical phase. Through a series of meticulously crafted test cases, we systematically assessed the API's response to various inputs, validating its accuracy and responsiveness. Jest's simplicity and efficiency allowed us to automate the testing process, swiftly identifying any discrepancies or anomalies. This meticulous API testing, complemented by Jest's robust features, played a pivotal role in fortifying the integrity of our system, ensuring it meets the highest standards of performance and reliability.

Temperature and Humidity Sensor Validation:

To ensure the accuracy of temperature and humidity readings, the DHT21 sensor undergoes a comprehensive validation process using Testo 400 equipment in our chemical department. This involves comparing the sensor's measurements with those obtained from the highly precise Testo 400 equipment. By analyzing and validating the correlation between the sensor's readings and the benchmark Testo 400 measurements, we verify the reliability of the DHT21 sensor in providing precise and trustworthy environmental data. This meticulous validation process enhances the overall dependability of our monitoring system, ensuring users receive accurate information for critical decision-making in chemical-related applications.

Weight Testing using Standard Loads:

Ensuring the precision of weight measurements in the Smart Beehive Monitoring System was a pivotal step in validating its functionality. We conducted weight testing using standard loads, systematically applying known weights to the system's weight scale. This meticulous process involved verifying the accuracy and consistency of weight measurements across varying loads. By comparing the system's readings with the expected values, we could ascertain the reliability of the weight measurement component. This thorough weight testing provides beekeepers with confidence in the accuracy of hive weight data, a crucial aspect for making informed decisions in hive management.

Load Cell Calibration:

To ensure the accuracy of weight measurements, we did a meticulous load cell calibration process. Beginning with a functionality test, the HX711 ADC module's operational status is quickly checked by measuring resistances. The main calibration involves establishing a zero point by recording the raw data value when the load cell platform is empty and level. Subsequently, known weights are applied to the platform, and their raw data values are recorded. These data points form the basis for creating a calibration curve, allowing the system to accurately measure weights in the hive.

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Gas Sensor Calibration:

For precise CO2 ppm measurements, the MQ-135 gas sensor undergoes a thorough calibration process. Analyzing the sensitivity characteristic curve involves correlating sensor resistance (Rs) with different gas concentrations, represented on a log-log scale. The Rs is determined through a voltage divider formula. Calibration points are identified by using well-known air conditions, forming a calibration graph. This calibration ensures accurate and reliable CO2 ppm measurements, contributing to the overall precision of the Smart Beehive Monitoring System.

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