project title

CathLab-Management-System —


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Other Sub Topics
  3. Links


The Cathlab Management System is a software solution designed to transform and modernize the catheterization laboratory (Cathlab) operations at Peradeniya Hospital. This facility is very much useful in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular diseases, especially blockages of heart vessels, by taking X-ray angiograms. The current management processes in Cathlab are heavily reliant on manual systems, paper records, and Word documents to maintain patient information and reports. These methods are extremely time-consuming, prone to errors, and affect the efficient management of data regarding patients and their respective treatment outcomes. Additionally, this lack of a centralized digital solution limits data accessibility and scalability as patient volumes increase. The proposed Cathlab Management System aims to address these inefficiencies by introducing an integrated and automated system that enhances workflow efficiency, data accuracy, and overall patient care.

Other Sub Topics

Centralized Patient Data Management

Efficient Report Generation

Improved Image Management

Role-Based Access Control

Enhanced Diagnostic Support

Statistical Analysis and Insights