
Departmental Publications

Click here for recent publications from members of the department.

Research Areas and Contacts

Complex Reactive Systems, Logic/Supervisory Control, Intelligent Systems

and Supervisory/Logic Control of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

Dr. S.D. Dewasurendra is working on the above topics. Please checkout his homepage for further detail and the list of his publications.

Cryptography and Network Security

Research on Cryptography and Network Security such as Cryptographic Authentication Protocols are conducted by a research group led by Dr. Manjula Sandirigama. Please contact him for further details.

Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture Laboratory

Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture Lab (ESCAL) is a research group led by Dr. Roshan Ragel and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. For more information regarding the research work of this group please visit their home page here or the relevant staff member's home page: Dr. Ragel, Dr. Radhankrishnan

Systems Engineering Group at Peradeniya (SEGPe)

Systems Engineering Group at Peradeniya (SEGPe) is a research group led by Dhammika Elkaduwe. The group mainly focuses on the use of small kernel technology for secure and reliable systems construction and the application of formal methods to system design and implementation. For further details contact Dhammika Elkadwe.