Welcome to the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Peradeniya.
Computer Engineering department is renowned for the quality and intensity of its educational experience. At present, the department is mostly involved in teaching undergraduate courses for Computer Engineering students. We believe that the information you find here are useful to you.
Our History
Department of Computer Sciences
The Department of Computer Engineering was established in the Faculty of Engineering in Peradeniya in 1985. Although it is the youngest department in the Faculty, it is the oldest Computer Engineering Department to be established in the University system of the country. The main function of the department initially was to conduct programming courses to the students in all disciplines of the Faculty. Over the years the department has developed into a fully-fledged department and it now offers several courses in Computer Engineering to the students.
Started BSc Computer Engineering Degree
The demand from the students for Computer Engineering has been high and a limited number is admitted to follow it. The graduates who have specialized in Computer Engineering are highly sought after by local as well as foreign employers. In view of the good employment prospects for Computer Engineering graduates and the large demand from the students, the department has initiated a degree program leading to the B.Sc. Eng. degree in Computer Engineering from the year 2001. The Department has also been building up its resources and now has state of the art technology in networking, digital design, embedded systems and computer interfacing.
National Instruments and DAC Units
National Instruments and DAC Units were added as a part of Computer Interfacing lab. These devices were used in Computer Interfacing courses offered by the Department of Computer Engineering. Refer course list page for more information.
The New Computing Lab
Established a fully facilitated computing lab. This lab was equipped to conduct computing labs for 65 students. This lab was used in core courses such as Programming methodology, Software Engineering and Web application design.
The Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture Laboratory (ESCAL)
The Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture Laboratory (ESCAL) is a research group at the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Peradeniya. The primary focus of the group is inclined towards micro-architectural design aspects of embedded microprocessors and their security and reliability concerns. The group is led by Roshan Ragel and has continued collaborations with Professor Sri Parameswaran at the Embedded Systems Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney.
NVDIA Research Center
The GPU Research Center at the University of Peradeniya is part of the Embedded Systems, and Computer Architecture Lab (ESCAL) at the Department of Computer Engineering. The University of Peradeniya is one of the oldest Universities in Sri Lanka and the top research university in the country. The major focus of the research center is the investigation of the High-Performance Computing (HPC) aspect of GPU in various domains, including bio-computing, computer security, machine learning and data-mining, and physics.
Modern PLC Equipments
Established a fully equipped industry control systems lab funded by Schneider Electric Sri Lanka. Now, these systems are associated with the Computer Interfacing Lab of the Department of Computer Engineering. More information about this facility can be found in Hardware and Computer Interfacing Lab under Facilities.
Cambio Wearable Computing Lab
A wearable computing lab funded by Cambio Software Engineering. This lab is equipped with modern high-end wearable computing devices such as OpenBCI bords, Human-to-Human Interfacing boards and Heart and Brain shields. More information about this facility can be found in official Cambio Wearable Computing webpage under the Facilities.
New Computer Engineering Building
The new building is equipped with modern lab facilities such as a new computing lab, robotics research facility, PCB printing unit, 3D printing facility and new computer networking lab. furthermore, this building will have new student project areas and modern conference rooms.
Past Department Heads
01/01/1985 to 30/04/1990 : Prof J.A Gunawardana
01/05/1990 to 31/08/1992 : Prof E.M.N Ekanayake
01/09/1992 to 31/01/1995 : Prof J.A Gunawardana
01/02/1995 to 03/05/1998 : Prof Noel Fernando
04/05/1998 to 24/01/1999 : Prof E.M.N Ekanayake
25/01/2000 to 30/06/2001 : Prof S.P.H Hoole
01/07/2001 to 30/09/2001 : Dr I.M Ikram
17/10/2001 to 31/12/2002 : Dr K.B.N Rathnayake
14/01/2003 to 28/02/2006 : Prof K.S Walgama
01/03/2006 to 01/01/2013 : Dr P.M.T.B Sandirigama
02/01/2013 to 31/03/2019 : Dr D Elkaduwa