Medicine heals doubts as well as diseases

Let's make life easier to each other


As we experience in real life, congestion and overcrowding of patients can be considered as critical parameters in the healthcare quality, safety, productivity and patient's satisfaction towards healthcare services.

Let's pay attention towards a ward of a hospital.The standard daily routine in the ward comprises of ward rounds by doctors, medication, meals, visiting hours and bedtime. This routine may vary if patients are required to undergo laboratory tests, x-ray, or other clinical procedures. Within those activities, our consideration put on ward rounds and medication.

Except some private hospitals , most of government hospitals are used to follow traditional way of ward rounds and medication that means normally doctors do ward rounds by checking patients and assigning or changing prescriptions written on a paper.

Further, medication is a responsibility of nurse. Currently, they manualy select medicines according to the prescription given by the doctor. Significant problems that are arised within the current process as following.

Hand written prescriptions

Poor hand writting of prescribers lead to confuse drug names, dose and meal. This may cause to adverse health effects and even accidantal death.

Heavy work load assigned to nurses

Much of nurses’ time is spent with patients, monitoring them, planning and delivering care, and advising them on their health. Shift work is common in nursing, as is a busy workload.

Highly time consuming process

Nurses dispense medicines after going through the each prescription manually.It takes significant time duration.

Our solution

It is an embedded hardware device which can be controlled using mobile/web application.

  • Hardware device

    An automated container which contains tubes assigning the respective drug. There is a secured way to put drugs inside it.We plan to control it by giving permission to authorized person by introducing finger print method. Apart from that, there is a mechanism to select meal of drugs for a patient according to his or her prescription and finally all tablets collect to a cup under the device.

  • Mobile application uses to control the hardware device as well as monitor patient details.Main users of this application are doctor, nurse and guardian. Doctors can register patient into the ward, assign or edit prescription and dispense medicine.Nurses are restricted to edit prescriptions.Apart from that nurses are eligible for other functions which have for doctors. Guardians only can do is observe the medicine history of the patient.


Solution Architecture

Italian Trulli


Italian Trulli

Data & Control Flow


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Italian Trulli


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UI designs

Splash Screen

Sign In

Sign Up

Reset Password





Register Patient

Patient's Details

Patient's profile


Morning Meal

Assign Medicine




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An open-source UI software development kit


Italian Trulli

A set of hosting services which offers NoSQL and real-time database


Italian Trulli

A NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling, high performance, and ease of application development


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Open-source electronic prototyping platform enabling users to create interactive electronic objects


Hardware Design

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Internal Tube Design

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Internal Tube Mechanism

Hardware Device

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Circuit Diagram

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Testing Plan

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Italian Trulli


Italian Trulli


Sathsarani Aththanayaka


University of Peradeniya

Mahela Bandara


University of Peradeniya

Yojith Jayarathna


University of Peradeniya


Dr.Isuru Nawinne

Senior Lecturer

University of Peradeniya

Dr.Mahanama Wickramasinghe

Senior Lecturer

University of Peradeniya