Unlocking the Future of Healthcare: Bridging the Gap between Doctors and Patients with Cutting-Edge Technology. Introducing our innovative app, designed by a group of determined undergraduates, aiming to provide a transformative solution to a pressing problem in medical care. In today's fast-paced world, countless lives are at risk due to overlooked health changes and symptoms. People are often too bored, busy, or geographically distant to visit a doctor promptly. That's where we step in, empowering you with our market-leading app. Seamlessly, it gathers vital information based on your inputs, offering you essential insights and transforming how you approach your health. With our app, you can take charge of your well-being, ensuring timely care and peace of mind. Join us in revolutionizing healthcare and embracing a future where you have instant access to crucial medical information.
Based on your symptoms
let you know whether to seek professional help.
recommend the speciality of the doctor.
Often, people are unaware what kind of doctor to see according to their symptoms.
recommend food habits.
Take care of your eating habits till you see a professional.
advice you on dos and don'ts
suggestions and warnings based on your symptoms.
Application Demonstration
Solution Architecture
The overview of the data flow in our system would be that the user enters data on symptoms via the frontend (mobile application), the application then makes an API call to the hosted machine learning models to make predictions for the user. The predictions are displayed on the mobile application.
User information such as name, weight, height and such not so frequently changed data will be sent to the database in the backend for storing. This information will be used by the machine learning models to make more accurate predictions on a user's medical state.
The users enter a considerable amount of sensitive information. Therefore, when storing and transmitting this data between nodes we paid attention to security and integrity to ensure both privacy and correct results being displayed. If at any node the data is distorted, the advice the app gives a user would change and since this is medic related, it could cost lives. Therefore, integrity is of utmost importance.
The following image describes, how and what type of data flows through our system.
Technology Stack
We identify the proposed solution in a design architecture. We have machine learning models, the backend, and then the frontend application.
Understanding the need for data storing security, security of data transmission and accurate measurement taking by the app, we decided on using these tools and technologies to make our solution work at its best.
We used AWS as our backend server because it provides a variety of tools and services to help develop quality apps and grow the user base. We used mongodb database as our database to store, sync and query data for our mobile application.
In the Software node we used Flutter as our frontend development environment. Flutter uses the Dart programming language and is built on top of the Flutter engine.

Security aspects
Encrypt the data between each node using HTTPS for confidentiality as users will be sending in sensitive information on their body.
Hash account passwords for integrity.
Authentication at the login for privacy of the drivers and their data.
Database access constraints. Only the admin of the database can edit and view the database and its contents.
The information that is displayed on the app are all on giving patients advice on medical stuff. Therefore it must be ensured that the data displayed is not corrupted or changed. Therefore, integrity is an integral component when tranferring data.
Frontend Testing
Widget testing provided by flutter testing can be used to test individual components of the software system.
Integration testing can be used to test how the app works as a whole and how all parts work together.
Backend testing
AWS in built authentication is used for test Authentication.
Query testing was done using postman.

Jameel S.
Team Member

Karunarathna W.K.
Team Member

Wanduragala T. D. B.
Team Member

Dr. Dr. Suneth Namal Karunarathna Lecturer

Dr. Kasun Rambukwelle
Get in touch!
Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya