High Level solution Architecture

The solution architecture of our smart indoor navigation system is designed to provide efficient navigation and real-time tracking for customers within a premises. It utilizes IR bases and IR receivers as the primary hardware components and relies on AWS Iot core as the underlying technology, with the Amazon DynamoDB Database serving as the main database. The system caters to two main user groups: administrators and customers. Administrators have the ability to update map data, prices, and other relevant information, while customers can utilize the system to locate products on their shopping lists and receive real-time tracking updates. Additionally, the solution architecture utilizes the MQTT protocol for data transmission, ensuring secure communication between the different components.

Data and Control Flow Diagram

Hardware Solution

Bill of Materials

Name Price(Rs)
1 NodeMCU ESP32S WiFi Bluetooth Dual Mode loT Dev Board 1670
2 Infrared IR Receiver Module 38KHz x 2 500
3 Arduino nano/Unox4 4400
4 Atmel ATTINY13A-PU Microcontrollerx5 2000
5 3144E Hall Effect Switch Speed Counting Position Sensing Module x 2 280
5 GY-271 HMC5883L 3-Axis Compass Magnetometer Module 610
6 MPU-6050 Triple Axis Analog Accelerometer Gyroscope Module 650
7 Wires 1200
8 3.7 3500mA 18650 Li-ion Rechargeable Battery x 2 1740
9 18650 Batteryholder 100
10 TP4056 5V 1A Type C 18650 Lithium Battery Charging Module 120
11 1.5in Caster Wheels 1200
12 D400 NPN transistor x 10 200
13 Copper clad board single sided x 3 480
14 Breadboard x 5 1250
15 IR Led 5mm x 20 200
16 AA battery holdersx5 600
17 AA batteries x 10 1200
18 0.96-inch 128x64 OLED Display Module 870
19 DC DC Boost Converter MT3608 120
Total 19520

Project Timeline