Smart Shopping Cart is an innovative consumer purcjasing product that is designed to help shoppers' fast-track their shopping experince. The concept of this smart cart will revolutionize the purchasing experience of every buyer.
Smart Shopping Cart is an innovative consumer purcjasing product that is designed to help shoppers' fast-track their shopping experince. The concept of this smart cart will revolutionize the purchasing experience of every buyer.
Solution based on our project idea
In our system have many data transfer process this is the data transfer flow in software, hardware and server
These are our implementations for our project
Web Application developed for the Admin and staffs they can manage the activity and transactions.
Our project plan timeline
We planed to improve the project in this time flow
We are the members who develop this projects
Studing at university of peradeniya
Studing at university of peradeniya
Studing at university of peradeniya
The supervisors who give guidance for the project