
Testing ...


Testing Plan

This is the Testing plan we have to design our final product.

  • Unit Testing is doing by Jest. Mainly by unit testing we tested authentification of users, Validation of data entered By users (To Automate the Environment) .
  • Api Testing is doing by Postman. All the API routes which are needed to communicate data between frontend and Backend was Tested using Postman
  • MQTT Testing is doing by MQTT Explorer and CloudWatch. MQTT Communications were Communicated between AWS IOT Core and MQTT Explorer to test MQTT Communications.
  • Browser Stack and Appium Used to test proper functionality of Mobile Application .

API Testing

User Registration


when User Name , Email, Password and Device Number are given correctly the new user will be granted with an Account.

Missing Details

When some fields are kept unfilled the Registration wont work

User Already Exists

There can't be two accounts with the same email address

Getting Sensor Data From Server


when Email, Password are given correctly the new user will be granted with an Account.

Missing Token

When Jwt Token is Not Given, that user is not permited to access Sensor information

Unit Testing

Data Validation Testing

This is a test done to test the Password Validation of the Frontend

This is a test done to validate the User Entered data to the frontend in order to manually Set the System Temperature, Humidity , Soil Moisture and Lighting hours values

Hardware Testing

Platform IO Testing

This is a test done to verify the functionality of the DHT22 Tempertature and Humidity Sensor

This is a test done to verify the functionality of the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor